The premier supplier for the Surf, Skate, Skim, and Fly Fishing in Sarasota


The Compound x Duvin Summer Shindig Recap

What a great way to spend our Saturday! We had a blast, and by the looks of it, you all did as well!
Special huge shout out and thank you to the always awesome Duvin Design for helping us send summer off with a bang! You guys rule! Local legend Robby Ball took home the grand prize from the watermelon eating contest, totally crushing the competition by eating 3.5 pounds of watermelon in 90 seconds! Wild!
We will be posting a recap video of all the fun in the coming days so check back for that!
In the meantime, check out the photos!

See you all at our next event, and hope you have a safe and fun rest of your summer!

Jacob Shields